Sunday, September 10, 2023

The History of the U.S Supreme Court

 From this article about the Supreme Court, some things I didn't know were that John Marshall played an influential role in the Supreme Court with the Marbury v. Madison case.  I did not know that it set up the judicial branch to be able to review laws passed by Congress.

The biggest takeaway that I got from this article is how important the Supreme Court is to our government. For the longest time, I've always seen them as just a very powerful jury for cases. But I had no idea that they pretty much prevent the two other branches from becoming insanely powerful and potentially limit the freedoms of a citizen without this branch in place.

The most surprising thing I learned from this article is that there have only been 115 Supreme Court justices over the 247 years of our country. It's weird to think because there are 9 justices and they serve until they die or retire. I always thought there was a term limit for the justices but I was wrong.

The article changed how I think about the Supreme Court now because I now understand their significance and without them in our government body, it would be absolute chaos and our country would probably have crumbled years ago without them. Prior to reading this article, I've been under the assumption that the justices were corrupt and abused the legal system for their own ends much to harm the poor and vulnerable. But this article has shown me a new light of them and not to think of them as greedy people

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