Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Eight Values of Free Expression

 The Eight Values of Free Expression we've gone over in class, I felt that individual self-fulfillment is a perfect match for who I am. Creating your own identity is very important for everyone. People are all a melting pot for all sorts of media they are exposed to and add to themselves to make them who they are. Nobody is alike one single bit, both physically and mentally. We all are different and like different things. We all listen to different types of music, eat different foods, and the list goes on and on. We all can choose what we want to do in our lives to define who we are as people. Trying to be like someone else is the wrong way to go, you'll just be left behind. But taking a characteristic you like from a person you admire helps build your character to be unique. When you're younger, your parents helped shape the person you are, but once you become an adult, you live on your own whether it is in college or an apartment. You're left to your own devices to figure out what you'll become and what you information you absorb to form your character. Your character is constantly changing and evolving to be the best version of yourself. Finding your purpose in life is important and it may not come for years on end but once you find your calling, you'll be the happiest you can be.

In one of my favorite games of all time that is still relevant even after 22 years is "Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty". In the game towards the end, the main protagonist, Solid Snake, tells our character, Raiden this powerful quote. "Fight for what you believe in, and find it in yourself. If you do, pass it on to the future." For a game made in 2001, it's a very powerful statement that still holds up today and begs the question, "what should we believe in?". To that, I say, that's for you to decide. You are your own individual mind that is so unbelievably unique and awesome. Being a sheep following the herd is not the way to live your life. We live in such a wonderful country that allows you to do whatever you want to do! Why waste your time following something that you don't like when you can be out there making your mark on the world by yourself with your own way of thinking we are lucky to be able to freely think and fulfill our lives by any means. It all starts out with finding your call.

Life is full of different ways of thinking and billions of different personalities. Forming your own way of thinking is important and sets you apart from everyone else. If we all thought the same, there would be no revolutionary ideas or anything that gets people thinking. I feel that finding your identity is the highest priority of a human being and being a copy of someone else is lame and will not get you anywhere in life.

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