Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Progressive Era


The reason for us having to scour the World Wide Web for these obscure websites is because the mainstream media we all know are being paid by the government to not talk about certain issues in our world. If you go onto CNN, for example, you're met with an article about Trump because CNN loves to bash Trump in the news, Ukraine being praised, and a bunch of other stuff that doesn't really matter all that much. But if you travel to Antiwar.com, you're met with a bunch of eye-opening sources that the media tries to push under the rug because it'll make the Biden Administration look bad. One article that really piqued my interest was "Senate Announces Stopgap Funding Bill That Includes $6.2 Billion for Ukraine"
. That's an incomprehensible amount of money being sent to a country that already has gotten billions in donations from us. We could be using that money to help out our cities, Hawaii, and our homeless problem. Nope, let's just keep funneling money to Ukraine because we don't need it whatsoever. 

Now, we don't hear about this at all in mainstream media whatsoever because, like I said, a lot of media outlets don't want to make Biden look bad. The Biden Administration pays many news outlets to not cover this stuff to make it look like they're doing a good job. That's why we have to resort to these smaller, more underground outlets to find out what's going on in the world because the mainstream media won't give us this stuff. They're more worried about celebrity gossip, Trump's indictment, and other useless information to distract you from what's really going on. It's like the Matrix almost, where everyone is in those pods in a "dream" and people are waking up to the real world where the truth lies.

I honestly hate this, I hate that we as people of the world don't have the truth given to us, it's usually tucked away from the public's eye to make people look good. I am genuinely frustrated about all of this. We shouldn't have to do a deep dive into the internet to find the truth, we should really be reporting on everything that goes on but we can't because of money. Money is the reason why we have to search for all of this stuff. Paying the media off to praise you and not defile your name is a great way for bad people to hide behind a facade. Bribing reporters is the reason for us having to look for the truth. I mean I don't blame the reporters for taking such a large sum of money to keep quiet about this. I'd probably do the same to make some extra cash. But since I don't, I'm gonna get on my soapbox and rant about how corrupt our government is controlling the media like that and how blinded by greed reporters can be for money. That's just how the world works I guess, money solves problems.

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